Saturday, April 16, 2011

Girls can pee on the freeway!

I just updated my food blog, feel free to jump on there if you are looking for a great alkaline dressing!

Yesterday my good friend Emily and her daughter Kaisa took off to make a quick consignment store run. Kaisa is the cutest little girl ever and is currently in the potty training stage. Halfway to our destination Miss Kai said, "mommy, I have to go to the bathroom!" We were on the freeway and Emily said, "ok, you'll have to hold it cause we aren't really in a place to stop." about 2 min later, Miss Kai said, "mommy! I REALLY have to go to the bathroom!" Emily and I looked at each other and smiled, then Em pulled off to the side of the freeway, and helped Kai "use the restroom" on the side of the freeway. I'm laughing right now cause I probably wouldn't have thought to just stop right where I was, I probably would have just dealt with it all later! I'm so glad for friends around who can help us know what to do when each of us are at that position in our life.

Em, I hope you aren't mad I shared this on my blog. But no one really reads it, so I think you are fine. LOL

Marian, your turn!!

My cute and fun sister in law Marian was in UT a couple weeks ago from NY. She was SO nice to stop by and see my baby and squish on her for awhile. She gave me SO MUCH good advice I'm still trying to process, but one piece that I acted on right away was the advice of introducing your kid to a small blanket or toy that they will hold onto when they are scared and you as a parent aren't around. I found a "granimal" toy the other day and introduced it to Elsje yesterday. she seems to like it, although she's only about 9 weeks old, so whos to say?! haha She likes to just lay there and put her arm around it and she seems to pet it cause it has a soft fleece on one side and a slick side. see the pics below.

Marian, I only bought 4, do you think I'm ok??!! ;)

Thanks for the tip Marian!!!



  1. She is getting even cuter if that is possible!

  2. Well, my advice is probably worth as much as you paid for it...nothing! It was fun to visit and hold that darling baby. How can she be so tiny yet still look older than when I saw her?

    PS--I think four will do just fine! I hope it works for you.
