Sunday, June 17, 2012

Its official, we are finally there.....

White trash...we all know them, we all have friends that we sometimes whisper they are, but today, I think I've finally made it there.....

I've been doing cloth diapers for a year now, and I have to say, NO regrets. In the last 12 months, I've only had a handful of leaks (but who doesn't have them in disposable anyway??!) and I've had 2 handfuls of learning curves with them. I LOVE my diapers and now I'm embarking on making my own....but I'm having a battle with myself about spending my hard earned monthly allowance (thats for another post) on a 300$+ serger. Once I have a serger, I'm willing to commit to making the cloth, but not until....anyway, back to the topic at hand....

I have been really good about using baking soda to keep my diapers clean and fresh, but since the last little one has come around, I'm finding my time is getting shorter and shorter with had washings. I do the best I can, but I'm starting to see a few more stains than I would like (and when I say that, I mean there ARE stains...) So, I broke down today and hung all of Elsjes diapers on my deck. NOW....before you start judging me....I would hang them on a clothes line that is out of sight from the world, but the covenants in my homeowners association don't allow clothes lines in your I'm improvising.

I hung them all with clothes pins around the rod iron on my deck and after I hung them, I laughed an evil laugh (something like MUAHAHAHAHAHAH) then came inside and told Peter we were officially white trash. I think I laughed for two reasons: I've very clever to get around the neighborhood covenants, but also cause I feel uber dumb. ha!

BUT, if the sun bleaching works, I WILL do it again......enjoy the view.......

After re-looking at my pictures...I just burst out laughing again....



  1. Replies
    1. I admit I love my cloth diapers, but man.....

  2. yeah, I only left them out for an hour and a half cause we were headed to Peters parents house for dinner. next time I do it I'll let you know...They needed to be left out for longer I'm now noticing. As you know, I'm taking the kids to Idaho for two weeks on monday, and I don't cloth diaper while on vaca just cause I don't want to inconvenience anyone with whom we might be staying...aka, my we went to costco and bought diapers for both kids....80 bucks later!!!!!!! jeez lady, I'm getting you diapers for your new little one....I can't believe the price!

  3. I know, right?? Who would have thought?? The sad thing is, if our covenants allowed, I'd totally have a clothes line.....haha

  4. Stop! You're ruining the neighborhood! I'll sic my chickens on you! I mean...wait...

    1. LOL! I hear one of them got out the other day....good luck with that crazyneighbor next to you! BAHAHAHA.
