Monday, September 24, 2012

Cherry Lime Deliciousness

Some of you may know that Peter and I have a second home in Driggs Idaho. We go there every chance we get, and we really are enjoying the small town vibe we get everytime we go. Along with the small town vibe, comes many amazing treats and sweets that only small towns can offer. One of which is what my post is about today.


In Driggs they have an old fashioned soda fountain that I usually try to hit up once or twice while I'm up there during the summers. From Memorial day to Labor day they serve a cherry limeade drink that is really delicious and is super cheap. Well, tonight, I re-created that drink, and I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself. Here is how YOU too can have an old fashioned soda drink in your jammies.

8 oz sprite/7-up
2 juiced limes (make sure these are limes that have lots of juice. I had a couple limes tonight that were offering me up NONE of their goodness, and limes like that just don't count!)(I also add in some of the lime pulp)
1 Tablespoon Grenadine (this is a flavoring. you can get it just about anywhere. I got mine at my local Smiths grocery store, Fresh Market/Albertsons has it as well)
1 Cup or so of crushed ice (you will need this to offset the flavors. trust me, crushed is the only way to go)

I'm not usually one to drink soda these days. I've pretty much given it up except for on weekends or a REALLY REALLY bad day, then I treat myself to some sprite. I hope you enjoy this drink as much as Peter and I do.......


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