Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fun with mom??

Awhile ago I posted about a few activities that the kids and I do...learning activities. We still do these a few times a week, and its funny how different boys are from girls. My mother always told me never to compare my girl to my boy, because they are at different learning stages. Boy was she right! My little Elsje is a quick learner and tires of things quickly once she picks them up. Ezra isn't learning quite as fast as Elsje does/is. I have to keep telling myself that ITS OK!!! Boys are different from girls, and not only that, but each CHILD is different from the other. I'm enjoying their differences however, and love each child for things completely different. I can't wait to see what a third and maybe fourth child brings! haha

Over the last couple of weeks, Elsje has stopped taking two naps a day...I know, don't cry for me Argentina. So that just gives mom less time to get the house clean more time for mom and her girl to play and have fun!! I've had some 5 gallon buckets sitting around the house for a couple of month now (thanks to peters work for ordering in lunch) and on saturday night, I made a bean bag (filled with rice, go figure) for an activity for my singing time on sunday. Today I wanted to see how Elsje did with her throwing skills with a rice bag, because if any of you know her, she's a THRILL to play catch with a ball...she's very intense about it. So we just practiced throwing the bag into the bucket. I raised it up, I lowered it, I turned it upside down and had her throw it on the bottom of the bucket. Then she wanted to hold the bucket for me to throw the rice bag...I think she enjoyed that more. What a fun time we had, and it was pretty much free...you know, discounting the material to make the bag, and the rice. :)

On the flip side, Ezra enjoys terrorizing helping me while I do laundry or vacuum. He's going to be a great little helper some day.

Ezra enjoying a "free ride" in the laundry basket

Enjoy Life!


  1. Ezra is looking so different--more like a toddler than a baby! They're both such cute kids!

    1. I know!! He has always looked "old" but he really didn't catch onto the baby stage....haha I saw your two month post on Owen...two months already???? man........

  2. Love those kids. LOVELOVELOVE them!

    1. Oh that certainly makes 2 of us........and may I just say LOVELOVE LOVE your kids??? I can't believe how much they have grown since I've known them. you had better be taking notes so when my kids get that old, I can have your notes.
