Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Prior to Christmas

Over the Holidays, I didn't have a great chance to sit down and put things into this blog. My nearly two year old has begun to suck the life out of me with a never ending stream of "MINES" (elsjes word for mine), huge temper tantrums, and a never ending high pitched whine. I'm telling you, I WAS NOT prepared for this type of two year old. I have to give myself timeouts literally every 10-15 min. Guys, I'm NOT kidding. My sister in law Marian has a theory that bad babies equal great toddlers, and good babies equal bad toddlers. So for she's had one of each and she's on her third...I'm excited to see if for her the theory holds true....but I digress. So far, this is how it has been for us: great baby equals VERY BAD toddler. oh my....if I can get through this, I think I'll do something really nice for really nice.....

But, through the temper tantrums, we do find time to have some fun. We had a friend who was kind enough to bring down a countdown till christmas activity that the kids and I could do together. It ended up being just an Elsje activity because Ezra was starting to eat the cotton know, like Buddy the Elf from ELF? So we started doing it during Ezras nap times. It proved a very fun activity for Elsje, and she was actually quite good at putting the cotton balls on top of where mom put the hot glue.

Next, Ezra found out that he could sleep the same way as his big sister the fetal position on his belly. He's been found like this before but this was the first time he was passed out long enough willing to let me get the picture. 

Around this time, Christmas was rolling around. My parents came to stay with us overnight so we could take them to the airport early the next morning. We celebrated a small christmas with them, and opened our stockings. I had a wonderful time, and it was great to see Elsje with her grandparents. 

Ezra got some puffs to eat

mommy got tennis lessons

Elsje got a doodle pad

Ezra got blocks

and despite this picture, peter is saying, "no way, there are peanut butter cups in this trail mix??"

Elsje and her "cheese" face along with dad who always has this look, and mom who's hair always looks awesome even if it is 9PM. 

Merry Pre-Christmas everyone.

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