Friday, December 30, 2011

Bed rest

So, I've been on official bed rest for 1 week and 3 days now. Can I just say it feels like 3 weeks?? I don't mind the sitting around part as much as I thought I would, although I have to admit that for 5 min every once in awhile I have to get up and clean something. haha Its hard to sit around and see something out of place! I'm not sure how many people know this about me, but I'm kind of a clean freak...but in a weird way. I ALWAYS want my house to be clean, but I'll have to pick and choose what gets done on a daily basis cause I just realized, I can't do it al!! who knew?? haha

The hardest part about all of this for me is 2-fold...asking for help (which I'm just not good at doing), and sending my little bugs away every morning. I've gotten better at asking for help which is good, but I'm not sure I'll ever be good at sending her away on a daily basis to be babysat. Oh well, thus is life.

I had a dr's appt yesterday and it was a pretty good report. I've only dilated and effaced a bit more, and my dr is semi-certain I'll be able to make it to 34 weeks (which is in one week) and semi hopeful I'll make it beyond. With everything said and done, If I can make it 3 more weeks, my dr will welcome the baby with open arms and not stop my labor anymore. I've had to make 2 trips to the hospital in the last 9 days already, so we are hoping for only one more time....DELIVERY!

Thank you all for thoughts and prayers sent our way. I know these have an impact, and I appreciate the time spent thinking of my little family. We love you all.


  1. What needs to be cleaned? You call me! No more cleaning! Sit down, lay down. Do you need some movies? One more week! Do you want me to make you a paper chain so you can cut off the links for each day? It works with my kids for big stuff like Christmas and birthdays! :) Just let me know! Take care!

    1. You are SO cute!! I didn't even see this till right now...I've been avoiding my blog cause its kind of depressing! LOL
      I wish I would have seen this earlier, I totally would have had you make me one. As it is now, I only have one more week!!!! :)

  2. With my twins, they put me on bed rest in late August (they were due December 16th). It felt interminable! I became very adept at operating the tv with my toes, though. Quite a feat since I could no longer see my toes!

    The Aaronic Priesthood brought me the sacrament each week. I remember the time one of the Deacons looked at me in shock and said "Sister Rimington . . . you are SO BIG!" His priesthood advisor elbowed him. :-) The twins still came 4 weeks early (Nov.) but all was well. Now they are 22! My how time flies.

    I know Heavenly Father loves and watches over his children. He will watch over you. We wish you well.

    PS - Sorry for eavesdropping. We're visiting in NY. :-) (Marian's Mom)

  3. Janell!! You aren't eavesdropping!! You can add my blog and then you won't have to feel you need to say sorry!!! Thank you for that comment! I know I'm not the only woman to ever have to go through this, and I know Marian has just a hard time if not harder with her pregnancies and she doesn't need to be on bed rest!!! I love how innocent these little deacons are....And its funny how you remember those cute little things...22 years later!
    Thanks for the comment...feel free anytime to "eavesdrop"!

