Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homemade Pesto

I have a love hate (mostly hate) relationship with pesto. Everyone is all like, OOH, pesto! and I'm like, um...pass. I'm ok with how I feel about pesto, but my dear husband loves the stuff. Whats a woman to do??!

The other day I was feeling extra home-makey and I threw a roaster chicken in the oven, and got a batch of rolls rising. I thought I would surprise Peter with a picnic up the canyon with the kids and chicken sandwiches for dinner. The problem was, what do you put ON the sandwiches?? My dear friend Emily (thanks EM!!) offered to give me a bunch of basil cause she apparently doesn't have a problem growing herbs (see earlier post is you're interested in my attempt to grow them) and I accepted. I asked her for a pest recipe and given the great woman she is, she listed a bunch of ingredients and said, I just improvise.


So I attempted homemade pesto for the love of my husband....and I have to say, I even ate it....and AGAIN the next day when we made homemade pizza. (we put pesto on as the topping)

3 C. lightly packed basil leaves
2 C. (2 generous handfuls) of Spinach
1/4 teas salt (you can always add more if you'd like, but its hard to get the salty taste out)
1/2 teas pepper
1/4 C. pine nuts
Olive Oil

Put all ingredients except olive oil in food processor. The amount will look rather large, but the recipe really only makes about 3/4 cup pesto. Let the processor run for about 30 seconds. Scrape down the sides and start adding olive oil a tablespoon or so at a time. You will continue adding Olive Oil till you get the thickness and consistency you want. Scrape down sides again and pulse for a few seconds. Now my friends, you have home made pesto. Pat yourself on the back and put this on a sandwich, a pizza, or whatever you'd like. 

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